Contact information for Five Dock Falcons Baseball Club

Members of the Five Dock Falcons Baseball Club Committee 2024/2025

Position Name Phone Email


Vince Azzopardi

0405 435 969


Vice President

Ian Palmer

0402 072 730


David Mullane

0431 100 688



Deena Rosalky


Junior’s Co-ordinator

Patrick Brownlee

0439 624 322


Junior’s Registrar

Shane Fernie

0407 213 626


Senior’s Registrar

Phil O’Toole

0412 343 952


Ground Manager

Phil O’Toole

0412 343 952


Equipment Manager

Phil O’Toole

0412 343 952


Canteen Manager



PCBL Delegate

Alex Stewart-Moore

0421 797 734

Media Officer

Lexy Vassett


Five Dock Falcons Committee Job Descriptions


  1. Be visible and available to club members and parents of juniors and other committee members to discuss issues as they arise.
  2. Aim to reply, or direct to the correct committee member, all emails within 48 hours.
  3. Call meetings and chair them. Ensure that minutes are kept.
  4. Represent the Club to Canada Bay Council.
  5. Ensure that the Five Dock Falcons are represented at RHBL and PCBL meetings. Report back to the club any discussions or decisions taken.
  6. Participate with the executive in the setting of the new season fees, including any discounts offered for such things as coaches/managers, family, student/pensioner/unemployed.
  7. Together with the website consultant, ensure that the website is updated with the new season information, including:
    a) Key dates
    b) Fees
    c) Registration forms, with copies going to correct committee members
    d) New season database
    e) Registration acknowledgement emails
    f) Committee Contact lists
    g) New season muster days, uniform distribution and any other procedures
  8. Participate with the executive in any review of breach of code of conduct or consideration of any special financial circumstances of members.
  9. Ensure that the Canteen Manager is assisted in the purchase of fresh bread rolls on a Saturday morning.

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  1.  Participate with the executive in the setting of the new season fees, including any discounts offered for such things as coaches/managers, family, student/pensioner/unemployed.
  2. Participate with the executive in any review of breach of code of conduct or consideration of any special financial circumstances of members.
  3. Keep the minutes of club meetings.
  4. Deal with all correspondence and grant applications.
  5. Aim to reply, or direct to the correct committee member, all emails within 48 hours.

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  1. Participate with the executive in the setting of the new season fees, including any discounts offered for such things as coaches/managers, family, student/pensioner/unemployed.
  2. Aim to reply, or direct to the correct committee member, all emails within 48 hours.
  3. Participate with the executive in any review of breach of code of conduct or consideration of any special financial circumstances of members.
  4. In consultation with baseball NSW set up club payment information in Sports HQ and record link to the Five Dock Falcons portal.
  5. Upon receiving copy of registration form, create spreadsheet identifying the payment age group of the player.
  6. Process Active Kids Voucher where submitted.
  7. Email the player with the age payment category and portal link with instructions to proceed to Advise player of the process for any further applicable discounts.
  8. Upon confirmation of payment from Sports HQ, update spreadsheet with financial members and send a copy of this at least once per week to both the Registrar and the President.
  9. Confirm with the Registrar and President about any applicable refunds. Contact player requesting bank details and then process refund via a bank transfer.
  10. Review supply of uniforms and ensure an order is placed for any additional supplies.
  11. Ensure that new financial year’s record books for canteen and junior umpires are prepared.
  12. In consultation with the Canteen Manager ensure that canteen is stocked with non-perishable stables and EFTPOS machine paper rolls.
  13. Reconcile canteen receipts each week, bank any excess cash and ensure an adequate float for the following weekend.
  14. Attend to the prompt payment of any authorised invoice, including fortnightly payments to scorers and junior umpires.
  15. Ensure monthly reconciliation of bank accounts and present these to the committee.
  16. Prepare End of Financial Year report to the committee and Fair Trading Report.

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Junior’s Co-ordinator

  1.  Contact last year’s coaches and identify expected teams and coaches for this season.
  2. Aim to reply, or direct to the correct committee member, all emails within 48 hours.
  3. Ensure that Five Dock Falcons is represented at all RHBL meetings and report back to the club re any discussions or decisions taken.
  4. Organise the Try baseball Days, team photo days and the End of Season presentation.
  5. Attend junior coaches meeting to sort players into teams and record preferred training days and times.
  6. Liaise with RHBL regarding the allocated competition divisions for each junior team.
  7. Be visible and available to junior players, parents and coaches to discuss any issues as they arise and report back to the President and committee.
  8. By Thursday each week advise the President, Grounds Manager and Canteen Manager home games for that weekend.
  9. Ensure attendance at appropriate training and accreditation for Junior umpires and coaches.
  10. In consultation with Juniors Registrar and Treasurer, review supply of uniforms and ensure an order is placed for any additional supplies.
  11. Organise the distribution of playing shirts , and sale of caps, belts and socks.
  12. Organise junior umpires and canteen support for weekend’s games.

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Junior Registrar

  1. Review the online Registration form and website information and ensure it is correct.
  2. In consultation with the Treasurer frame a reply email to be sent out automatically to person completing registration form.
  3. Send out an email to all of last years players/families , plus any out of season enquiries, advising that registrations are now open.
  4. Aim to reply or direct to the correct committee member, all emails within 48 hours.
  5. Upon receiving copies of new registrations, prepare a spreadsheet of registrations.
  6. Update this spreadsheet at least once per week as Treasurer advises of financial members. Forward this spreadsheet at least once per week to the President and Junior’s Co-ordinator.
  7. Attend coaches/manager meeting with copies of spreadsheet . Record which players are placed into each team.
  8. Send updated spreadsheet to President and Junior’s Co-ordinator, Treasurer and Late Registration Co-ordinator.

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Junior’s Late Registration Co-ordinator

  1. Ensure that website is updated so that enquiries and copies of new registrations are forwarded to correct person.
  2. Aim to reply, or direct to the correct committee member, all emails within 48 hours.
  3. Frame a new reply email to be sent out automatically to person completing registration form.
  4. Ensure that you have the latest copy of the registration spreadsheet as sent by the Junior Registrar.
  5. Liaise with the coach regarding team numbers and any potential players they may want to recruit. Advise coach to contact these players themselves but to promptly advise the Late Registration Co-ordinator of the result.
  6. Contact appropriate coach with any late enquiries.
  7. Once a team has accepted a new player ensure that player has completed the registration form and advise the Treasurer that the player has been added to a team. who will forward the payment details and portal link to the player.
  8. Update this spreadsheet at least once per week as Treasurer advises of financial members. Forward this spreadsheet at least once per week to the President and Junior Vice President.
  9. On advice from individual coaches, advise the President and Juniors Vice President once the team is full. Ensure that the website is updated to show that this team is full.

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Senior Registrar

  1. Review the online Registration form and website information and ensure it is correct.
  2. In consultation with the Treasurer frame a reply email to be sent out automatically to person completing registration form.
  3. Send out an email to all of last year’s players/families , plus any out of season enquiries, advising that registrations are now open.
  4. Aim to reply, or direct to the correct committee member, all emails within 48 hours.
  5. Upon receiving copies of new registrations, prepare a spreadsheet of registrations.
  6. Update this spreadsheet at least once per week as Treasurer advises of financial members. Forward this spreadsheet at least once per week to the President and Senior Vice President.
  7. Ensure that new player details are updated into the JARO database. Check to ensure that returning players details are up-to-date.
  8. Attend Muster days and with the assistance of two other designated club assessing officials, note the abilities of new players.
  9. Attend manager meeting with copies of spreadsheet . Record which players are placed into each team. Make a note of any team that needs extra players.
  10. Ensure that each team has a scorer.
  11. Ensure that each new player has been issued with a playing shirt.
  12. Send updated spreadsheet to President and Senior Vice President, and Treasurer.
  13. Complete PCBL team details into JARO.
  14. Forward any late email enquiries to President for consideration of placing them into team.

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Grounds Manager

  1. By Thursday each week, receive advice from President and Junior’s Co-ordinator re the schedule of games for weekend.
  2. Ensure that the ground is mown and lines are marked.
  3. After periods of wet weather inspect the grounds on Friday afternoon and make decision if the grounds are fit to play. If you decide to close the grounds advise the President and Junior’s Co-ordinator by Friday evening.
  4. After periods of wet weather inspect the grounds on Saturday morning and advise the PCBL and the President ASAP if the grounds are closed. Text the senior coaches scheduled to play that day and canteen manager.
  5. Regularly inspect the grounds and advise the President on any maintenance issues.
  6. Co-ordinate any working bee organised.
  7. Aim to reply, or direct to the correct committee member, all emails within 48 hours.

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Equipment Manager

  1. Review contents of team bags and umpire kits and prepare a list of any equipment to be replaced or repaired. Organise such repairs/replacements.
  2. Once teams are formed and coaches identified issue appropriate team kit and keys. Keep record of keys issued in Assets Register.
  3. Aim to reply ,or direct to the correct committee member, all emails within 48 hours.
  4. During the season receive advice of and attend to any replacements and repairs needed.
  5. At the end of the season, co-ordinate the return of all equipment and keys. Review equipment and make list of any repairs/replacements needed.

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Canteen Manager

  1. Ensure that the canteen is clean and tidy at all times.
  2. In consultation with the Treasurer ensure that the canteen is stocked with non-perishable staples.
  3. Aim to reply, or direct to the correct committee member, all emails within 48 hours.
  4. Receive information from the Juniors Co-ordinator and President of those games scheduled for that weekend.
  5. Ensure that adequate supplies of perishable items such as milk, sausages, onions, eggs and bacon are stored in the fridge by Friday evening.
  6. Depending upon the schedule of games, staff the canteen from 8am to 1pm.
  7. Ensure high level of hygiene of all people handling food.
  8. At the end of the day ensure that all food and equipment is put away, petty cash tin and records are secured, the floor is swept out and only fridges are left on.

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